
"A Soul's Journey"

This is the story of a soul’s excursion to Earth, each episode representing stages of growth. The theme, representing the soul, is constant throughout, albeit altered. The theme travels the experiences of life, learning and growing from each.

I: Gestation (0:00) The parts of the human are coming together. The theme and its harmony are being constructed. Eventually, the theme is presented in its first, peaceful context.

II: A Candid Introduction (6:11) The baby looks in wonder at all these new things. Then, it must be educated about Earthly ways, which can be difficult to make sense of. We survive and adapt, and tend to lose our connection with our pure soul. But it is never lost. The theme – representing the soul – is constant, not losing its true nature. Gradually the confusions – in musical terms, dissonances – are phased out. The soul finds itself.

III: Growth (9:04) The theme has emerged from the early experiences of life and is now in a pleasant, inquisitive state. The soul must adjust, but stay true to itself, and understand that some things that were taught earlier, may not have been entirely correct.

IV: Conflict and Drama (10:40) Highly emotive events in life come and go. The fighting, the tears, the loss and all other pains come to a climax. Then, as if creation knows this soul has had enough, a choir escorts the soul out of the darkness, into the light. The melody emerges, unbeaten, enjoying a newfound peace.

V: Maturity (15:08) The soul has been through the darker aspects of life and has matured. The soul realises that sometimes one must experience what it is that they are not, to fully understand what it is that they are. But the soul is still growing…

VI: Reflection (18:47) The soul reflects on past experiences, understanding that all is balanced. The theme has undergone confronting events and must reassemble itself.

VII: Find Thyself (20:38) After reflection, the soul realises that all experiences of this excursion, painful or pleasant, facilitated the expression of purpose, and to reveal one’s true nature. The soul now knows that all experiences, pleasant or otherwise, were expressions of the soul’s identity.

VIII: Going Home (22:09) All is complete for this Earth experience, it is time go home. This can be a scary thought! But all is well. This story ends with an unresolved return of the theme, depicting that the story is yet to be completed..


"Drift Off" - A piece designed based on academic research to assist the listener in drifting off to sleep. Download the paper.